I love your posts Billy! you make me laugh, and so does outlaw
Posts by l p
Hot of the Press!!! YEARBOOK 2013 :Letter from the Governing Body
by raymond frantz inyearbook 2013 :letter from the governing body.
dear brothers and sisters :our heavenly father,jehovah, is the personification of love.hence the bible states :"god is love".
(1 john 4:8) even though jehovah is almighty ,his word never says ,"god is power" or , "god is might".he bases his rule primarily on love.how this attracts us to him!.
After fading for over a year...I finally cut my ties by posting on my Facebook page
by eyesropen323 ini was 8 when my mom brought us into the jw's.
i am in my late 30's now.
many knew me from school.
l p
Good on you...well said.....and glad you and your family are free
Music Upon Your Exit
by RAYZORBLADE ini know this topic has been touched upon from time to time.
i haven't been on here regularly in many years, but i know what it is like for many; or those that are on their way of exiting the organization.. what songs do you recall or remember during your exodus from the wtbts ??.
i left mentally in the late autumn of 1983; apparently (i don't know officially...but does it really matter?
l p
This was the song that i use to sing heaps
What's in your handbag?
by usualusername inhi people.
in all my life i have only looked in a womans handbag once.
it was close to looking at the arc of the covenant.
l p
2 wallets with cards money receipts etc
baby wipes
nappy bags
sons school work
letters from school or wherever
NSW health policy directives in case i ever need them for work - not sure why i carry it there
tissues used and new
make up
other stuff im not even aware of
may bag is heavy as a brick
l p
Omo front loader
STD increase among senior citizens, AARP reported.
by jam inwth, what is the world coming too.. std diseases are on the increase among seniors in.
retirement communities.
the percent of reported cases,.
l p
Billy - in the land down under I say "just because there is snow on the roof doesn't mean there's not a fire down below!!"
Brazilian waxing and JWs
by Bella15 inwith all the control they want to have over people's lives, i wonder if going brazilian down there (male or female) would be cause for readjustment???
lol i can see sister a telling the elders on sister b ... lol... i wonder what scriptures they would use to make their point across ... i know that for non-jw this would sound totally crazy but as an ex-jw i know that this is totally possible ....
l p
being female i feel that there is no way that i would want to look prepubescent....
having said that i clipper...so there is almost nothing there...but it still looks like an adults genetalia rather than a 9 year old girl.....
this is interesting...
should we make a thread asking all the females what styles they do...id be curious bec i havent seen many
What is your religious belief now?
by jwfacts ini have a new poll at jwfacts.mobi/pollsarchive/ as i am very interested to see what people have moved on to believe.
as this is considered sensitive by some, you can answer anonymously at the jwfacts.mobi/pollsarchive/, or answer on this thread.
this is what i have created in the list, but feel free to add comments, corrections, or options i have missed.. .
l p
jwfacts - you probably already know my answer.....but anyways athiest
Has anyone seen this? The old guys in NY give their thoughts on IN Vitro fertilization
by wha happened? inso giving your fertilized egg to a surrogate is pornia.
l p
Can someone correct me or back me up....... wasn't there a scripture that said not to go beyond the things written????? lp -
Do You Appreciate The Service Of Our Military?
by minimus inbeing raised a jehovah's witness, i did not have any appreciation for the military or for veterans.. now, when i see a military person, especially in uniform, i am grateful for their work as well as the fact that they risk their lives for us.. do you appreciate our men and women of the military?.
l p
yes i do....
and also for the leaders of the country, although i dont like mine at the moment...but i remember thinking that after Sept 11 there was a lot of backlash about the American government going to war....but i just took a step back and asked myself what would i do if i was the leader...i came to the conclusion that i would go to war too...bec i am not making a decision just on my behalf...but i have a responsibility to the people i serve and sometimes that makes for decisions i dont like or want to make....
i was still a jw when that happened....i just didn't realise i was out before i was physically out